This code sample is adapted from Clifford B. Anderson and Joseph C. Wicentowski, XQuery for Humanists (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2020), 195-196. Download this code sample in its raw form. View the source on GitHub.

xquery version "3.1";

declare function local:get-dates($name as xs:string?) as xs:integer* {
        fn:replace($name, ".*(\d{4})-(\d{4}).", "$1 $2")
        => fn:tokenize(" ")
    ! xs:integer(.)

declare function local:is-seventeenth($dates as xs:integer*) as xs:boolean {
    ($dates[1] gt 1601 and $dates[1] lt 1700)
    ($dates[2] gt 1601 and $dates[2] lt 1700)

let $check-dates :=
    function($name as xs:string?, $century as function(*)) as xs:boolean {
        let $dates := local:get-dates($name)

let $writers :=
        "Shakespeare (1564-1616)",
        "Milton (1608-1674)",
        "Dryden (1631-1700)",
        "Blake (1757-1827)",
        "Keats (1795-1821)"
    fn:filter($writers, $check-dates(?, local:is-seventeenth#1))